Our History of Changing Lives


One evening in 1991, a passionate and energetic woman stood in the doorway of a dilapidated motel room on Route 1. What she saw changed her life and the lives of thousands of other people forever. Connie Mercer had accompanied a pediatrician friend, Dr. Chris Hansen, to see what was being done to help families experiencing the lowest moments of their lives in her community. The answer was chilling: not much.

There, in a rundown cinder block room, three children huddled together with their mother close beside them. As Connie stood in the doorway, one of the children cast her a look of utter hopelessness. Connie became a woman on fire.

The flames spread as she enlisted others, organizing efforts to bring meals to these families experiencing homelessness and poverty, and helping with transportation and childcare. As they attempted to meet the most immediate needs of the families, it became clear that it was going to take much more to help them on the path to self-sufficiency. 

From that realization, HomeFront was created to meet immediate needs but also provide the long-term support needed to truly break the cycle of poverty. Established by a cadre of caring volunteers, HomeFront has been recognized on the national and state level for their wraparound services and holistic approach.

Now, the flame that was ignited that night in the doorway of that motel room is powering a huge factory that churns out one product: hope. Over 30 years later, HomeFront employs more than 120 people and enlists the efforts of scores of volunteers, successfully fighting homelessness and despair for thousands of families.

The children that come under our care are now student leaders, healthcare and business professionals, and independent adults able to pursue their dreams for a better life. Parents, given the assistance they needed, have gone on to have sustaining careers and homes of their own. As the cost of living grows, HomeFront will continue to rise to meet those needs until every family has the tools they need for success.