ArtJam 2024: Celebrating Creativity & Community! 

May 3rd – 18th, 2024

Located at 45 Hulfish Street in downtown Princeton, NJ 

ArtJam 2024 is a curated pop-up art gallery held in Princeton, New Jersey — with all proceeds raised underwriting HomeFront’s ArtSpace program, designed to help our most vulnerable neighbors in Central NJ break their cycle of poverty.

In the spirit of inclusivity and empowerment, ArtJam features the works of more than 100 well-regarded national and local artists, alongside HomeFront’s undiscovered and self-taught artists from our therapeutic ArtSpace program, who bravely embark on a journey to heal from poverty, abuse or homelessness.

On display are original, one-of-a-kind artwork for sale, including paintings, sculptures, pottery, glassworks, and hand-sewn items from SewingSpace, HomeFront’s sewing program. 

For artists and visitors, or to learn about ArtJam 2024 sponsorship opportunities — please visit: