Food Crisis During the Holidays

A food crisis looms over the State of New Jersey which is forcing struggling working poor families to make tough decisions–pay for heat or pay for food. “Feeding the hungry has always been a basic part of HomeFront’s services, but now HomeFront, as well as other...

Over 1000 Kids Receive Backpacks!

This year, over 1,600 kids went back to school ready to learn. HomeFront’s Back to School Campaign provided backpacks loaded with school supplies and a brand new outfit including tennis shoes. This effort involved hundreds of volunteers, businesses, civic groups...

WorkFirst Announces 24 Job Placements

WorkFirst staff proudly congratulates HomeFront’s 24 clients who have successfully landed jobs over the last two months. It just goes to show how perseverance, a great resume, good interviewing skills and the right qualifications pay off!